We'd love to invite Pornstars Group members, Flickr followers, and Blog readers to submit their Festive images for display in our erotic 'Erotique Gallery' from the 1st of December to the 23rd.
You can now add images to the contest online via our Flickr Group Here! Or by sending in world to Serenity or Louise Kristan-Faulds.
Any fun, sexy, creative, artistic, and just plain hot erotic art will be gratefully received, and displayed in our in world gallery.
Three finalists which will then be judged from the In world pics, and Flickr images. To decide the winner and runners up images.
We will select Images from the Flickr group at random to display in world, however all images entered will be considered for winner and runners up prizes!
Sponsors & Prizes.
We'll be putting together a special holiday package of sponsors gifts for the winner and runners up. Already onboard are long time Pornstars supporters , the very kind Lisa at Warm Animations with store cards for Winner and runners up. The very generous Edvard's Second Life Adult Furniture Blog, and Connoisseur Magazine, donating a very hot and festive sex engine! Along with store cards for runners up. Plus a big 1k store card donation from the lovely Rachel Swallows Creations. Kirsty Oherlihy of Rack Poses, a long time and very generous supporter of Erotique Galleries is also donating Store Cards! Erotique too will also be awarding a L$ prize from the gallery donations during this exhibit to the winner.
Send us your Pictures in Second Life, or add them to our new 'Erotique Christmas Competition' Flickr Group Here.
In SL send your full perm images along with their dimensions ( For display purposes. ) to us in Second Life. Louise Kristan-Faulds, or myself Serenity Kristan-Faulds.
Please join in the fun, get your creative juices flowing! We really look forward to displaying your work! We welcome both adult, and non adult/PG images.
Serenity and Louise. xox