Pornstars Parties have been running at Erotique for some time. Now we have them during Prime Time U.S Evenings too! With parties starting at 7.00pm SL Time Tuesdays, and Thursdays with guests and DJ's from the SL Porn scene. This is in addition to our regular DJ Party on Monday at 9.00pm SL Time, and our occasional Live music on wednesdays at 9.00pm SL Time.
Huge thanks here to Colleen Criss who runs a regular Blog feature at the Pornstars Blog "Caught On Camera". The pictures seen here, and the video have all been wonderfully produced by Colleen and Opium Films. If you get along to Erotique for the Tuesday or Thursday night Pornstar parties you stand a great chance to be caught on Camera in pics or Video! Also our Hostess, the super sexy Suff Lockjaw.
The last party was HUGE fun. All kinds of hot and sexy people AND did I mention FUN?
Did I mention cash prize for the best in lingerie for guy and girl?
Did I mention a fabulous pose gift from Sufferingfrom Lockjaw too?
Play the video just below, and check out the pics to get a taste of the fun!
Play the video just below, and check out the pics to get a taste of the fun!
The prize winners for the night were Tabola and LouSL !! I spent most of my time there hoping this towel would fall.
So, what was missing from these photos? Can you tell?
Yeah , that's right , what is missing is YOU!