Sunshine : By Louise Silverweb |
Sunshine landed on the beach outside the studio, and her looks, and costume for the shoot steered us towards this theme. I think she looks cute, pretty, and beautiful in Louise Silverwebs photograph above.
This was a shoot where both Louise and myself contributed, so it features both our styles and techniques, and i think it's a stronger shoot for that. Offering diversity, more imagination, and some wonderful captures of the lovely Sunshine.
If you'd like to visit our studio,
CLICK HERE! To open a TP in Second Life. Or contact
Serenity Juneberry, Arwen Juneberry, or Louise Silverweb in world to arrange a meeting and book a shoot. xox
Sunshine : By Serenity Juneberry |
Sunshine : By Louise Silverweb
Sunshine : By Serenity Juneberry
Sunshine : By Louise Silverweb
Sunshine : By Serenity Juneberry
Sunshine : By Louise Silverweb
Sunshine : By Serenity Juneberry |